
Rover on Planet X

Rover on Planet X.

Students will enroll in intensive training and then work together to design, 3D print, and program the Rover to study the surface of Planet X and seek out a specific location to collect samples, Student teams will also have specific time to complete a simulated mission without any support or assistance as well as share a technical presentation on its design.

01. STEM Competencies: to Enhance proficiency in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by engaging in hands-on, practical activities related to robotics, 3D printing, and programming.

02. Technical Proficiency: Improve technical skills related to 3D printing, electronics, robotics, programming, and autonomous systems.

03. Team Collaboration and Innovation: To foster teamwork, collaboration, innovation, creativity, communication, and critical thinking among students by requiring them to work in teams to design, build, and operate the rover.

Cash Prizes.

• Age: 16+

• Nationality: open to all nationalities based in UAE.

Submission & Contact Information

Submit your application through this link: Click Here to Register.

Registration deadline: 14 September, 2023.

Should you have any questions, please contact the team at: PlanetX@space.gov.ae

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